Safe Event Policy
We are committed to providing a safe, fun, and entertaining event - all to benefit local families living with Alzheimer's, other forms of dementia, or cognitive impairment and educating the community about the importance of Brain Health.
We want everyone safe and healty
Keeping everyone in our community safe and healthy remains a top priority at Memory Matters. Therefore, a valid photo ID and proof of full COVID vaccination and booster, or negative 3rd party verified COVID test with name and date completed within 24 hours of the event, will be required for each attendee and verified prior to entering the event location.
Proof of Full Vaccination
All guests, staff, and volunteers will need to provide a photocopy or scan of your official vaccination card along with a photo ID before entering the event venue.
Please note: “Full Vaccination” means you’ve received the complete dosage of the Moderna, Pfizer, or Johnson & Johnson vaccine and booster at least 14 days prior to attending any Memory Matters event.
For Those Not Vaccinated
We will also accept a negative 3rd party verified COVID test with name and date completed within 24 hours of the event. Please note: Test results will only be accepted at the door at the time of the event. If you need assistance finding a test location, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Screening and Testing Sites website page located at https://scdhec.gov/covid19/find-covid-19-testing-location is a good resource.